
This page is to honor all the people who have uplifted me or who changed me for the better. I would be nothing without the village that raised me. If you see yourself on this list, consider it a sincere thank you. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

Mary Compasio

Lexie Bailey

CJ Speakman

Anna Lewis

Ethan Kjelland

Lizzy Rangel

Erin Davis

Amanda Schmidt

Elle Sahin

Elke Weinbrenner

Linnea Carrera

Elizabeth Blair York

Jay & Symi McGee

Abi Amador

Shelby Black

Jaimee Stoller

Juno Overton

Regina Kmilek

Havalah Teaman

Sydney Tidler

Dan Englund

Justin & Heather McPike

Brycen Witt

Madeline Johnson

Carson Edfors

Emily Brookins

Emmett Husmann

Cameron Baron

Hannah & Heidi Phillips

Matt Sawalski

Cate Sulla

Rudy Trotter

Cuyler & Tannah Marshall

Zander, ZJ, & Zaelyn Marshall

Nathan “Bam Bam” Stanton

Kylie & Kimberly DeEmo

Briar Gray

Isaiah Nuñez

Xavier Resto

Mandy Grazian


  • White and gold both represent people who’ve significantly uplifted me.

  • Gold represents my teachers.

  • An underline means that the name is linked to a website.